Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello ....

Hello, welcome to my blog. Not much of a blogger in face I’ve never done blogging before. Lately I’ve been reading a lot of blogs and I find it quite interesting. I suppose I should introduce myself…

My name is Tadiwos Melashu. I’m 27. I was born and raised in Ethiopia. This last October makes my ninth year since I came to United State. Currently I live in Seattle, WA. Even though not a lot of people agree with the weather, I love it here. The rain, food, friendly people, the outdoor,  I love everything about Seattle. I am a student at Washington State University.  This coming December, I will be graduating with Structural Engineering degree.

Goal achieving is something that we all absolutely must do if we wish to fulfill our potential as human being. Goals enable us to do the work we want to do, to live where we want to live, to be with the people we enjoy, and to become the kind of person we want to be. My goal in life is to continue my education and get my masters, get married with my beautiful girl friend and start a family. I want to have a simple and respected life.  To have a great job and happiness in what I do, so I can be successful to help my family and others.

I don’t really have a specific topic that I want to focus on for my blog,. I will be writing random things that I come across in my everyday life. I hope my readers can get something out of it. You'll be hearing from me again soon, but please feel free to contact me at or just want to give me feedback about a blog post.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Tadiwos, I have enjoyed knowing more about you, where you are from and why you like Seattle. I imagine that the two places, Seattle VS Ethiopia, are quite different entirely. But I a glad you like it here. As I have noted to everyone, a theme is super helpful to a blog. So if you are going to do life-blogging, make sure to make that clear to your reader. I look forward to reading.
