Saturday, November 12, 2011

What happens after …

I am two months shy from graduating. College life was so much fun (and stressful, given that studying Engineering). It also gave me my first taste of freedom and being an adult. Even though the school environment that I grew up back in Ethiopia is completely different from here, I still manage to fit in and adapt the culture. Moreover, I made some wonderful lifelong friends who I will keep in contact after graduation.

I have so many things I want to accomplish after graduating, but time is tough right now. I am starting to stress a lot lately. Some of my friends that graduated two years ago are having a hard time finding a job. Of course I will be going back to school to get my masters, whether sooner or later. It mostly depends on whether I get a job sooner. The unfortunate reality is that I will take a while before the job market to heat up. 

Uncertainty and fear of the unknown is the feeling I am currently having. I just hope this feeling doesn’t last long. As much as I enjoyed my college life, I am also eager to get a taste of the “real world” after all life is wonderful with marvelous opportunities if I stay positive. Until next time be good to everyone.


  1. Good job market or bad job market, it is always a scary proposition: leaving school. And yet it is also an opportunity to grow as well. I wish you luck on your new venture. Make sure to try to be careful about going back for your master's degree. Try to get as many scholarships or work programs so that you do not have to flip the bill yourself. Student debt for higher education is at an all time high and you want to make sure you do not harm yourself with debt!

  2. Good luck to you Tadiwos! Although the job market is rough right now I am sure with your engineering degree you will find something. Remember that you have to start somewhere. By no means am I saying to settle, but remember that you are going to be fresh out of school so gaining experience in your field of choice is almost as helpful as the schooling itself. What type of engineering job are you looking for? Have you started the job search yet?~
