Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A little break...

School can be very boring and depressing sometimes. I am really not into wild parties and all the craziness like most of college students. I don’t even have roommates. I spent almost all day doing my school work at the library. Usually I keep myself very busy so I don’t feel lonely or depressed. Yesterday I shut my mind off of school mode and decided to treat myself. I figured the best way to start the night is to cook a decent traditional food. I think food is so important to make your night in complete, and is the most primitive form of comfort. Trust me nothing beats a good home meal rather than that extra value junk from school cafeteria I usually eat.  


After cooking that delicious meal, I put on a movie and began enjoying the peaceful night. Usually a few hours of sleep is my treat after a long day. The next morning I woke up feeling fresh and energetic. I guess we all deserve a litter break once in a blue moon. 


1 comment:

  1. hum, can we get a recipe? This looks really good. What all am I seeing here?
