Thursday, November 17, 2011


OK if you read my last post, you probably are wondering how I made my delicious meal (Ethiopian Tibs). Well here is the recipe. 

Beef (about 1 pound, free range/organic steak if you can get it, any cut will do)
1 large onion
1 green pepper

Berbere spice blend (buy online, Ethiopian groceries, at local international grocery, or make a substitute with 1 tablespoon paprika, 1 tablespoon garlic powder, 1 tablespoon ginger powder, 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper, 1 teaspoon dry basil, 1 teaspoon oregano, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1/2 teaspoon cardamom, 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and 1/4 teaspoon ground clove all mixed in a bowl together)

Cube beef into small cubes, about 1/2 inches square. Marinate meat for a few hours in Awaze sauce (1 tablespoon berbere, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon red wine). This is my modification. My mom cooked the beef dry in the pan, then added seasoning, but I think this would be a nice addition.
Sauté onion, sliced or diced, in enough vegetable oil to cover; tradition is to use 1/2 cup of water, adding more as needed until onion is soft. Cook until softened, about 10 minutes.

Lower heat, add beef and thinly sliced or diced green pepper, turning regularly, until cooked through, about another 10 minutes. If cooking dry beef, cook in separate pan first, then add to onions and bell pepper. If using marinated beef, go ahead and add to already sauteed onions with bell pepper.

Season again with 1 tablespoon berbere and a splash of red wine. Saute another 5 minutes until liquid from wine cooks out.

There you have it!! It’s a simple meal to cook, it take about an hour and can serve about 2 – 3 person. 

Enjoy and Happy Thanks Giving!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A little break...

School can be very boring and depressing sometimes. I am really not into wild parties and all the craziness like most of college students. I don’t even have roommates. I spent almost all day doing my school work at the library. Usually I keep myself very busy so I don’t feel lonely or depressed. Yesterday I shut my mind off of school mode and decided to treat myself. I figured the best way to start the night is to cook a decent traditional food. I think food is so important to make your night in complete, and is the most primitive form of comfort. Trust me nothing beats a good home meal rather than that extra value junk from school cafeteria I usually eat.  


After cooking that delicious meal, I put on a movie and began enjoying the peaceful night. Usually a few hours of sleep is my treat after a long day. The next morning I woke up feeling fresh and energetic. I guess we all deserve a litter break once in a blue moon. 


Saturday, November 12, 2011

What happens after …

I am two months shy from graduating. College life was so much fun (and stressful, given that studying Engineering). It also gave me my first taste of freedom and being an adult. Even though the school environment that I grew up back in Ethiopia is completely different from here, I still manage to fit in and adapt the culture. Moreover, I made some wonderful lifelong friends who I will keep in contact after graduation.

I have so many things I want to accomplish after graduating, but time is tough right now. I am starting to stress a lot lately. Some of my friends that graduated two years ago are having a hard time finding a job. Of course I will be going back to school to get my masters, whether sooner or later. It mostly depends on whether I get a job sooner. The unfortunate reality is that I will take a while before the job market to heat up. 

Uncertainty and fear of the unknown is the feeling I am currently having. I just hope this feeling doesn’t last long. As much as I enjoyed my college life, I am also eager to get a taste of the “real world” after all life is wonderful with marvelous opportunities if I stay positive. Until next time be good to everyone.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello ....

Hello, welcome to my blog. Not much of a blogger in face I’ve never done blogging before. Lately I’ve been reading a lot of blogs and I find it quite interesting. I suppose I should introduce myself…

My name is Tadiwos Melashu. I’m 27. I was born and raised in Ethiopia. This last October makes my ninth year since I came to United State. Currently I live in Seattle, WA. Even though not a lot of people agree with the weather, I love it here. The rain, food, friendly people, the outdoor,  I love everything about Seattle. I am a student at Washington State University.  This coming December, I will be graduating with Structural Engineering degree.

Goal achieving is something that we all absolutely must do if we wish to fulfill our potential as human being. Goals enable us to do the work we want to do, to live where we want to live, to be with the people we enjoy, and to become the kind of person we want to be. My goal in life is to continue my education and get my masters, get married with my beautiful girl friend and start a family. I want to have a simple and respected life.  To have a great job and happiness in what I do, so I can be successful to help my family and others.

I don’t really have a specific topic that I want to focus on for my blog,. I will be writing random things that I come across in my everyday life. I hope my readers can get something out of it. You'll be hearing from me again soon, but please feel free to contact me at or just want to give me feedback about a blog post.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Sad day for Man. U!!!!!

Devastating loss. Totally ruined my mood for the whole day. To say the least. However, credit to Man City for the way they played. United were completely outclassed. As much as I hate to say it, I must salute Citeh for a vintage performance.

fantastic performance by man city, I am very impressed by Silva. 6:1 is a statement, though I don't see it that way. The game was lost after the 3:0 you could just feel, there is not much that ManU could do today against that team. So for me its not a 6:1 defeat, its just humiliation :( where was ManU's strong and fast play? that wasn't ManU today!!!
It's disappointing when you lose like today , but we will come right back on top .... Its Man U Character for years ......
believe ........